Campaign to keep Surbiton police station building

The buildings have been used as Surbiton police station and, as buildings of townscape merit, should be retained. To date RBK has received no queries about possible planning permission. Local residents have already contacted me to make ...


How about a Mosque?

we would support retaining the buildings and no demolition. It is a pity that this site (so obviously available) was not purchased for the new primary school (after all the building started life as a school) then Kingston Council would not have needed to agree to demolish other buildings of townscape merit along with 47 trees in a conservation area. Why was this site not considered then?

Wise up.
No way should the new school have been built down there.
That area is already well served by Tolworth Infants.
The real shortage of primary school places was further north, in Surbiton town centre, Cranes Park, the northern parts of Berrylands, that area.
Additionally, the police station building is too small - nowhere near big enough for 500 kids.

The hospital site was the best site for the new school - and by a country mile.
It's closest to where the places are actually needed.
That's what maximises the numbers walking to school and cuts down on the school run traffic.
A win win for parents, and the motoring public.

I live down the street and have herd its going to be an international nursery school. Which keeps the building fully intact thank goodness. The idea for any new building work for a religious place of worship i find totally abhorrent in anyway whatsoever.

Wise up, do you live near here? We shall have to wait an see what effect the additional traffic will cause Oakhill and the Ewell Road. It is not a win win for residents who will suffer from school runs and parking problems from a large polyclinic with 8 doctor's practices. Have you seen the queues of cars waiting to get into Oakhill (3 doctors practices)? Anyway the police station should be protected but doubt it can be now that the DC chose to allow other protected buildings to be demolished.

Lets just sell it to CNM Estates,that should ensure it remains as is for ever.

ROFL !!!!!

OMG the best post in the last year on this forum IMHO ;-)

Keep em comin!

anyone know if Weatherspoons bought it

Its going to be a language school and retain the building.

Teaching English hopefully

that's the whole point - by putting the school slap bank in the area where the kids live, the largest possible numbers will walk and the school run traffic will be minimised.
Blindingly obvious surely? Remember that the new school will serve the immediate area only, ie Surbiton town centre.

More local schools, closer to where pupils live = less school run traffic.

OK, if you happen to be a self centred nimby, and you live at the gates of the new school, you probably won't give a stuff about reducing school run traffic and what's best for Surbiton overall - but the rest of Surbiton (40000 people) probably do. Forcing kids to school places outside Surbiton, even outside Kingston borough, as proposed by one of the Oakhill nimbies in a letter to the Comet, is more car journeys and more congestion. For Mr Oakhill Nimby, it was OK for more term time congestion on Surbiton's roads, just as long as it wasn't in his street.

I'd agree with you about the polyclinic though. It almost certinly will create more journeys.
The same "local facilities as local as possible" argument applies. By consolidating 8 local surgeries onto one site, people will have further to travel, and will be more likely to use the car. By opening 24 7, the polyclinic could end up more like the Roehampton facility, ie just one step below a full blown A&E. It will probably attract people from across the south of the borough. The Oakhill area is overwhelmingly permit parking, so it might be the surrounding Alpha road and Berryland fringes instead that get hit by parking problems.

The clinic, not the school, is what the Oakhill nimby brigade should have been directing their venom against. Residents were badly led by failed conservative councillors who tried to spread FUD about the new school. The simple truth is that council needed to have the new school online by 2012, and the hospital was the only site in the immediate area big enough that could be ready in time. Imo, the electoral rejects would have second guessed this and were merely using local residents as election fodder in an attempt to get elected next time.

I'm not a nimby and I dont live in oakhill but I do live on the Ewell road and have done for over 25 years. Don't blame the Conservatives but remember the Liberals who ignored all the Kingston conservation policies and voted to destroy special buildings and trees because Kingston failed to realise it needed more schoolplaces then highjacked the hospital site.There is not enough room on the site for both a school and a polyclinic, one or the other would be OK. The hospital was built by local contributions (who has the £700,000k) and health related buildings should be on the site. A school was never originally planned and I suspect that the health options will be watered down now as the polyclinic will be much smaller. As for parents walking their children to school you have to be joking, the first sign of rain and they will be in cars. The council and transport people admit that the car management plan will be challenging. The Oakhill roads are too small and narrow to support any additional traffic. Just wait until the Ewell Road is stuffed and it will not be 40,000 (where is that figure from) Surbiton people affected but anyone who has to use the road to get too and from Kingston
On a separate issue, the Royal Borough of Kingston should be ashamed. Where was the bunting for the Royal Wedding? Only a few pubs and restaurants bothered, unlike Teddington where street parties were in abundance and all the shopping areas displayed the Union Jack flags.
Congratulations to the happy couple.

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