Ingredients coming together for this year's Surbiton Food Festival

Last year’s inaugural Surbiton Food Festival saw the crowning of a champion sausage, a beer tent drunk dry, and businesses come together to promote the town.

This year’s two-week celebration of Surbiton’s culinary offerings has expanded to cater for more than 100 businesses. The fortnight of food will begin on Saturday, May 3 with the official opening of an apple orchard at Knollmead Primary School in Tolworth, where families can bring a picnic. The next day the somewhat fishy Seething Freshwater Sardine Festival will take place – the Thames at Surbiton being renowned for its crop of the fish.

And the showcase village fete event will return on May 10 and 11, with stalls, games and music filling St Andrew’s Square. Festivities culminate on Saturday, May 17 with an athletic sports day spectacle at the Victoria recreation ground, including favourites like the egg and spoon and three-legged races.

Chef Michel Rissons from the French Tarte judged last year’s baking competition and is taking part in this year’s ‘Faces Behind the Food’ profile series. The festival will also see the first trial of a borough-only currency, the Kingston Pound. Nearly 100 people have deposited money at credit union SurreySave in order to take part.


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