"Feeling of taintedness": Victim speaks out after childhood abuser who was London Symphony Orchestra member is jailed

A “trusting child” targeted by a now convicted paedophile and former choirmaster spoke out after historic sexual assaults made his “soul shrink”.

The victim, who was just a boy in the 1970s, was abused by Roger Lunn – a cellist who played with renowned musicians and held lessons at his various homes including in Surbiton, where it has since come out he sexually assaulted children by fondling boys in private music sessions. Allegations were also made while he taught at a Kingston school.

Already incarcerated for other offences, in this case, Lunn pleaded guilty to five counts of sexual assault between 1972 and 1976. He was sentenced at Kingston Crown Court on December 2. His victim has spent four decades keeping what happened to him quiet.

He was encouraged to speak out about his abuse after reading a 2010 article in the Kingston Guardian about Lunn being spared jail at Cambridge Crown Court and instead given a three-year probation order with a requirement he complete a sex offender treatment programme following abuse crimes in 1970 to 1989. It was only then that this victim spoke to police at the end of 2012.

During a long career in music, Lunn was a member of the London Symphony Orchestra and played with famous cellist Jacqueline du Pre. Formally of Soham in Ely, the 77-year-old was convicted in May 2015 following charges brought against him. He pleaded guilty to 10 counts of indecent assault, and was sentenced to four years at Hove Trial Centre for abusing two children at a school near Haywards Heath. While serving this sentence, five new charges of sexual assault covering a period from 1972-76 were brought against him. It was these counts that Lunn pleaded guilty to and was sentenced to two years and six months in total this month.

Lunn was heavily involved with the Tolworth United Reformed Church in the 1970s, once called the Congregational Church, on the corner of Raeburn and Elgar Avenues. During the 2010 court case in Cambridge he was described as a “deeply religious man” who used to take children from the church on trips.


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