Police guard schools amid abduction scare

Kingston police officers were posted outside every single primary and secondary school in the area today.

The latest incident, made public by police today, took place outside a primary school in Worcester Park on Monday at about 3.15pm.

A man was seen on a push bike weaving in and out of cars in the public car park at the front of the school, which has not yet been identified by officers. The person who reported the incident shouted at the man and he rode away. He was described as white, in his 20s, and wearing a woolly hat.

A young boy was allegedly grabbed by a man outside Knollmead Primary School, Tolworth, on the same Monday at about 9.10am but he struggled free. The suspect was also described as wearing a woolly hat and was described as in his mid 20s, with a tan, wearing a black jumper with a blue shirt underneath, black trousers. He was accompanied by a slim, white woman, with long black hair in a red hooded top and trousers.

Officers have also released information about an earlier incident at Grand Avenue Primary School on Thursday, May 17, where a man and woman are alleged to have approached a girl while she was getting water from a fountain. She felt scared and ran off to tell a teacher and the police were called.

The Worcester Park incident is being investigated by the same team and a link to the first two incidents has not been ruled out at this time. Kingston police said extra patrols and house to house enquiries were taking place while CCTV footage from schools was being analysed. Police have asked anyone with information to call the incident room on 07917 271 552 or call Kingston police via 101. Alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


Also being reported in the Daily Telegraph:


This sounds pretty serious indeed.
Multiple incidents implies a determined abuser(s), who presumably will try again in the future.

In the months ahead, all the public, not just parents, should be highly vigilant and report anything suspicious. Neighbours of schools / other facilites used by children are particularly useful as the eyes and ears of the community.

It goes without saying that if anybody has any suspicions, however slight, then they should contact the police.

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