UPDATE: Kingston alleged attempted abductions

25 May 2012

Police in Kingston-upon-Thames borough would like to provide the community with the following update on the three reported incidents that occurred at schools on the borough last week.

The investigation to date, has led to the conclusion that these incidents are not linked as previously thought and do not amount to any criminal offences. A policing plan was put in place and extra patrols were instigated on the Borough and maintained to provide an increased visible presence outside local schools.

1 - The incident which was reported within the grounds of Knollmead Primary school in Tolworth on Monday 21st May has resulted in extensive enquiries being conducted. Kingston Police can say that no criminal offences have come to light and would like to thank the school community for their co-operation. 

2 - The incident on Monday 21st May was reported as a man on a push bike acting suspiciously in a car park close to Green Lane Primary school in Worcester Park. We are now satisfied that no criminal offences were committed.

3 - The last reported incident on Thursday 17th May in the grounds of a Grand Avenue Primary school in Surbiton. The investigation into this allegation is continuing however no criminal offences have been disclosed.

Chief Superintendent Martin Greenslade, Borough Commander for Kingston said:"I understand and share the community's deep concern and would also like to use this as a further opportunity to reassure parents that we have treated the incidents extremely seriously and have investigated them robustly.

“I would like to thank the community, especially parents and the schools who have fully supported our investigations and the increased police presence. I would also like to thank everyone who has provided information which has been appreciated and of assistance.

“As always, I would ask that parents remain vigilant and refer to Kingston borough’s pages of our website, for information." 

Councillor Patricia Bamford said:"I am very pleased to learn that there is no evidence of any connection between these three incidents.

“I am grateful to Kingston police for their thorough and professional investigations into each of these reports. The Police were quick to provide visible support and reassurance around our schools and have worked closely with schools, the local authority and the wider community to assess the evidence available.

“It is understandable that during the course of these investigations that level of concern and anxiety amongst parents and school communities has risen. I hope that this latest statement will allay those fears and that parents will understand the absolute need for caution when investigating incidents involving children or other vulnerable groups.

"Whilst this has been a worrying time for parents it is also a timely reminder to us all against complacency when it comes to the safeguarding of children."


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