“We're the pride of South London, The mighty Kingstonian FC”: Where could Ks move?

The search is on for Kingstonian to find a new football ground as the sale of Kingsmeadow stadium nears completion.

The 130-year-old club currently ground-share with leaseholders AFC Wimbledon, but the Dons are in talks to sell the lease to Premier League champions Chelsea, who want to use the ground for their women’s team. If the sale goes through, Kingstonian would have to find a new ground in time for the start of the 2016-17 season next September. Representatives for Kingstonian met fans after their match against Billericay Town earlier this month in an attempt to secure the club’s future. The Dons have reportedly pledged £1m to help Kingstonian find a new home.

The most viable option for Kingstonian appears to be entering into another ground share with neighbouring football clubs. Hampton & Richmond Borough Football Cub’s Beveree Stadium is roughly four miles from Kingsmeadow, but it would mean moving out of the borough to Richmond. Club chairman Steve McPherson claimed there had yet to be any contact from Kingstonian, although he was open to starting discussions about a possible ground share with the club. Another option could be sharing King George’s Field  in Tolworth with amateur football club Corinthian Casuals. Chairman Brian Vandervilt did not comment on a possible ground share, but said the club viewed Kingstonian as a “sister club”.

Kingstonian’s future will be debated at a full council meeting in December after a petition calling for the club to remain in the borough was signed by more than 500 people.

If the Ks could build their own ground, where would it be? 

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