Boris Johnson will make final Tolworth Tower decision this afternoon

London mayor Boris Johnson will decide this afternoon whether to give the final green light to controversially approved plans for four new high-rise blocks next to Tolworth Tower.

Mr Johnson will meet with his strategic planning team today to review the proposal passed by Kingston Council’s development control committee on January 12. Building work began in the Broadway the day after the decision.

A spokesman from the mayor’s office confirmed the application was on the agenda for “later this afternoon.” Councillors and residents wrote to the mayor after the decision urging him to quash the CNM Estates plan. Cllr Richard Hudson, who stepped aside from chairing January 12’s development control meeting after starting the ‘Tolworth deserves better’ campaign against the plans, wrote to Mr Johnson asking him to send the application back to the “could-do-much-better box.”

Borough Liberal Democrats started a separate petition to quash the decision.


Boris should approve it with the proviso that the developer pays for the total reconstruction of the A3 underpass and junction with extra funding coming from Lidl and the eventual builders of the 700 flats on the old Tesco site.
He will probably reject the plans as the man is so desperate to gain traction in his role as an MP,at which he fails to shine and will hope to win support from the equally useless Goldsmith character.

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