Man on a mission to put silliness back into 'soulless' Surbiton

One man has made it his mission to transform Surbiton into more than just a faceless commuter suburb.

After living in the area for 30 years, Robin Hutchinson decided he was tired of not knowing his neighbours. So he gathered a group of volunteers to create fun days out, while celebrating the area’s history by commemorating forgotten traditions. The events have gained strength over the past five years and Mr Hutchinson hopes this year’s will be the biggest and best.

Among the festivals is Ski Sunday, which sees participants sliding down a hill with blocks of ice strapped to their feet, and the Seething Luge — a downhill bobsleigh in a bath. Then there is the annual parade to celebrate the legend of Lefi Ganderson a half-boy half-goat rejected by the community.

Wacky days: residents recreate Seething Freshwater Sardine Festival The Seething Freshwater Sardine festival is also recreated each year, with more than 100 people turning out to watch fishermen trawl the Thames. The tradition dates back to 1532 when large hauls of the fish were recorded in the area.

While all the events are free, Mr Hutchinson and his team have raised about £70,000 for charities. This year’s Seething Freshwater Sardine festival will take place on May 4 followed by the Surbiton Food Festival and Surbiton Village Fete.

Surbiton councillor Liz Green said: “The sense of enjoyment and having a good time is just infectious.”


I have met Robin several times and have great admiration for the work he does.

Does anyone else think that it is a bit much to describe Surbiton as 'soulless' and 'faceless', though?

I know these are the classic cliches applied to suburbia, but I have lived in many other areas from cental London to right out in the sticks and I can't see much difference in the 'soul' of any of them.

Perhaps this is a UK problem rather than justs a suburban one?

I agree. Describing Surbiton as "soulless" and "faceless" is just the usual media claptrap that unimaginative, low-quality journalists come out with when they have to write something and can't be bothered to do any genuine research (probably counting down the hours to their next expenses-paid liquid lunch).

For a town of its size, and considering it's the architype suburban location, Surbiton has bags of character and community spirit. Despite (and in some cases, because of) it's many admitted faults!

Long may Surbitonites like Robin continue with their great works!

"Bags of character and community spirit"

Well said! I moved here 12 years ago, and have been struck by the great community pull that people like Robin have generated. The Festival parade, Food Festival, and all the silly events like Ski Sunday contribute so much to living here. I've certainly had no regrets about choosing to raise my family here. Surbiton is a great place. Thanks to everybody who's helped to make it so.

One cannot fault the money raised and for some the activities are no doubt hugely enjoyable.

Many of us moved to Surbiton precisely for its faceless anonymity and the ability to enjoy riverside walks and nearby parks with minimal interference from endless joggers,half marathons and events in general,we liked the quiet enjoyment and thus many are moving out much to the delight of the young professionals no doubt who at least are paying top dollar for our boring old semis.

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