Cash for improving Tolworth's streets lost

The majority of a £50,000 grant set aside for a walking improvement scheme in Tolworth has been lost after residents rejected plans Kingston Council officers had spent months drawing up.

Three of the four proposals for works on Thornhill Road were voted down at a public meeting at the Cornerhouse in Douglas Road last Thursday amid complaints that not enough was being done on pavements. The Transport for London (TfL) money would have been spent on things like making junctions easier to cross and extending double yellow lines. Rosina Howe, 74, of Douglas Road, said the plans did not address residents’ concerns.

Plans to widen the traffic island at the junction of Red Lion Road and Thornhill Road were approved, but pavement widening where Thornhill Road joins Hook Road was rejected. Officers are now considering installing a bollard at the Red Lion Road junction to prevent cars and vans driving on to the pavement.
The installation of raised crossing areas at Douglas Road, Cotterill Road, and Ellerton Road junctions, and the extension of double yellow lines on other side roads were also thrown out.

Raising the roadway at junctions could have made things easier for people with reduced mobility. Officers spent 126 hours drawing up the plans starting in the middle of last year – which the council said had cost the equivalent of £3,930 in wages. Another £1,350 was also spent on officer time and distributing the consultation letters. Only 54 out of 426 consultation forms were sent back last November, with just 27 in support.


£3,930 in wages!! What the bloody hell? thats working out at £31 an hour they get paid, well they live the life of luxury whilst us poor beggers have to pay huge council tax for this kind of rubbish, disgusting!

Another excellent example of Kingston Council's ineptitude at handling my considerably overpriced council tax money.
Well done. In fact have a rise this year for your outstanding work.

Thornhill Road,one used to be able to drive up and down relatively easily until the ludicrous traffic calming humps were introduced,it is now a free for all and one cannot "speed" up a bit into a gap to allow oncoming traffic to pass without losing your exhaust system or shocks.
Traffic calming has become as silly as the Global warming debacle where policy is driven by half baked ideas that carry no merit.

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