Traffic scheme prompts mass lawsuit from furious motorist

An enraged motorist caught out by a controversial traffic restriction in Surbiton is launching a class action lawsuit, with Kingston Council having made almost £2m in fines through the scheme.

More than 28,000 fines - totalling £1,853,800 - have been issued to drivers passing through Surbiton Crescent since it was closed as a traffic calming measure in November - a scheme which prompted outrage from residents. Opposition councillors have also been approached by a resident who has successfully appealed against a fine, with the parking adjudicator allegedly citing “unclear signage”.

Richard Grovesnor, 68, of Sopwith Close, in north Kingston, was twice caught out by the closure while driving home in late November. Outraged at the scheme, he is now hoping to find about 100 fellow aggrieved motorists to join him for a class action lawsuit and sue Kingston Council.

The trial closure allows only cyclists and buses to use the road as a cut through as part of Kingston Council’s £33m mini-Holland cycling scheme. The traffic restriction made more than £500,000 in its first week from 8,055 penalty charge notices, with residents having to pay a minimum fine of £65 if caught out.

The influx of fines led some residents to brand the scheme “diabolical”, with many criticising the signage for being “completely inadequate”. Kingston Council has defended the scheme, claiming that the road plays a “key part” of the cycle route and that warning notices were issued to drivers from September. But opposing Liberal Democrats councillors claim that one resident who successfully appealed a fine was cited poor signing and has called for the council to pay back motorists.

According to Kingston Council’s website, as of Monday, January 30 nine out of 36 penalty charge notices reviewed by a parking adjudicator were upheld. Mr Grovesnor says he lost his appeal and is hoping to open the lawsuit as soon as he has the funding. Introduced in the UK in 2017, class action lawsuits allow one person to sue on behalf a group for compensation.

Kingston Council is set to close the trial within the next few weeks and will then open a consultation into whether to make the scheme permanent.  The mini-Holland proposals, officially called Go-Cycle by the council, have been plagued by difficulties, with councillors abandoning proposals to demolish New Malden's Fountain Roundabout amid fierce protests. Kingston MP James Berry has joined the critics of the scheme, calling on the council to donate the money to charity.

Anyone wanting to join the lawsuit should email Mr Grovesnor on


Lets fight back to get the refund, please sign the online petition

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