Ambridge comes to Surbiton as Farmers’ Market celebrates its 50th market

Tum te tum te tum te tum...

Award-winning Surbiton Farmers’ Market is celebrating its 50th market with a visit from Sara Coward, well-loved star of The Archers.

Sara will be wishing shoppers, stallholders and volunteers a very happy birthday at the market in Maple Road, Surbiton, at 11am on 15 February 2014. She will also be signing copies of her new book Dialogues With My Dog, which is dedicated ‘to rescue dogs everywhere’. It’s the remarkable story of how she saved her loveable lurcher Sati from a life of terrible abuse.

Sara has played aristocratic Caroline Sterling on the famous BBC radio soap for 34 years. The Archers is the most listened-to Radio 4 programme after the news, with five million people tuning in to hear the goings-on between the farming folk of Ambridge. The series is the longest-running radio soap in the world and has many famous fans, including members of the royal family. Sara helped Princess Margaret with her lines in 1984 and shared scenes with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, in 2011. Now Sara is preparing to join in the anniversary fun with the farming folk of Surbiton.

Surbiton Farmers’ Market runs on the third Saturday of every month from 9am to 1pm. Since it began in October 2009, the market has helped raise more than £35,000 for local charities and causes, including a total of £8,031 in 2013. Last month it donated £1,077 to Kingston Carers’ Network to fund activities for children and young people caring for family members. The market has also pledged £4,000 to local charity Momentum towards the cost of refurbishing the parents’ room at Kingston Hospital Paediatric Department.

• Visit the market online at and take a virtual tour of Maple Road on market day. Join us on Facebook at Surbiton Farmers’ Market or follow Twitter at #surbitonfarmersmrkt.


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