Another Surbiton naughtyculturists

Lovelace Road cannabis farm raided.

Police have raided a Surbiton property and found £500,000 of herbal cannabis hidden inside.

A resident, who asked not to be named, said the area was not the sort of place you would expect to find drugs. Police have asked residents to look out for strong herbal smells, excessive use of electricity like lights being left on all hours of the day, and buying gardening equipment or large amounts of fertiliser.


Incredible, the country's in deep sheet and this is the big story of sunny Surbiton .. Ok maybe thats why I moved here, because it is .. not!

Sorry SMB,forgive my abysmal ignorance but I could not understand a word you wrote,what does it mean?

"... look out for ... buying gardening equipment ..."
Gardening being soe un:usual in Surrey ;)

Slightly off topic.

The Government are 8 years into a 10 years anti cocaine drug policy.
Current usage is DOUBLE what it was 10 years ago.
There you go. Government in action, or not.

Shame really that the residents decided to report this, cannabis is not the monster it is portrayed as and carries very few side effects believe it or not... I am a cannabis user as are many of my friends, we are normal, orderly people and we try to respect everyone, im just disappointed that people buy into th government propaganda so much.

RIP wonderful plants

[quote=Anonymous420]Shame really that the residents decided to report this, cannabis is not the monster it is portrayed as and carries very few side effects believe it or not... I am a cannabis user as are many of my friends, we are normal, orderly people and we try to respect everyone, im just disappointed that people buy into th government propaganda so much.

RIP wonderful plants[/quote]

I can see where you are coming from, but the government attitude to this drug means that there is a lot of money to be made by growing/selling it, and this attracts some fairly unsavoury people into doing it. I would not want to live in the vicinity of this regardless of my attitude to the drug itself.

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