The beat goes on

Millbank House

Police safer neighbourhood teams move into new offices.

The office based in Millbank House will house Alexandra, Berrylands and Tolworth/Hook safer neighbourhood teams and its front counter will replace the current one at Surbiton police station.

Talking about the old station Borough commander Martin Greenslade said, "I’ve never seen such a grotty facility in my life and I’m surprised our team survived in it as long as it did."


Where were the police when some dumb s.o.b. was revving and screeching his car round Surbiton at 4am this morning. I'd fancy being a copper round here. You dont seem to have to do anything? You get a police car driving through Surbiton once in a blue moon!! Or is all the crime elsewhere more important??? And dont give me the old no resources S**t either.....................Surbiton aint THAT safe??

Luckily i haven't had to deal with the police much, ever.

However on the 2 occasions i had to call on the Surbiton police force, they have been nothing but helpful and attentive.
They were effective in sorting out the minor issues, which were.
1. joyriders dumping a car round the corner.
Put me onto the righ dept and gone within 24hrs
2. guy systematically keying and smashing windows on ALL the cars on our road.
Came round in 5 minutes, took me down the street and caught and prosecuted the [filtered word]!!!

Surbiton is not too bad at all.
Where i grew up was a lot dodgier than surbiton. And my home town was not that bad either!!!

The cops are human, not psychic, and need YOUR help to advise them of crimes YOU see.
Try ringing the cops when you here this s.o.b comes round again.
Go take a photo/video of the car!
Maybe the cops will do what they did for me, that is respond and help.

I hope.

Thanks Setanta.
I too came from an area much much worse than Surbiton. A lot of racism, car theft, petty crime, robberies etc. Your comments kind of install a lot more confidence in the 'system' for me. I love it round here and long may it remain a great place to live. I guess my main concern was directed at police presence or lack of it. Perhaps there is more of that than round here than I actually know. Maybe thats why 'our' area is as nice as it is? Long may it continue. P.

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