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Romeo66 Residents take on the fly-tippers.
People living in Rose Walk, Berrylands, are forming their own residents' association because the graffiti and rubbish dumped in their private road became too much to bear.
Police have recommended lockable posts be put up at the entrance to the private road to stop vans driving down to dump building waste.
The 30-strong group has applied to Kingston Council for funding but said they would put in the labour themselves.
Although I abhor fly-tipping, is it any wonder that folk resort to this when faced with being unable to dispose of unwanted items? Although good on the Berrylands residents who have taken action.
I tried to dispose of some unwanted cans of paint the other week at the Villiers road dump. They would take some, i.e. the water based emulsions, but not others (e.g. eggshells & gloss paint, as they can explode in the compactor).
I was instructed to contact the council re: the one tin of paint they couldn't take (which I understand, as no-one wants to put workers in jeopardy). The council advised that I called the number for hazardous waste, which is based in City of London. They have sent the paper work and I am now awaiting them to get back to me to come ALL that way to collect just ONE can of paint!
Surely it would be better all round, for both Kingston council tax payers as well as the environment, if the dump had a collection point for such items. Then they could get the City of London folk to come and collect a reasonable amount of 'hazardous' waste in one trip.
The current set-up shows a lack of common sense in my opinion.
I notice that at least 4 tyres appear in the picture.
I tried to deposit some at the Council Tip but was turned away as they do not accept tyres and or wheels.Perhaps someone less bothered by fly tipping than myself had the same experience and just dumped them.
The council have now told me that they do not know where I can dump my tyres and suggested I popped into Kwikfit to see if they would take them along with their own waste,Kwikfit declined to comment when I asked them and not surprisingly fell about laughing.
Perhaps Sapphire8 can suggest where i can put them?
Wait for November 5th. They burn really well and are always good for getting the bonfire going.
Two suggestions other than using your old tyres in the garden (if you have one.)
1. See if any boat owners at local Marina want them for boat protection.
2. Go Kart tracks might want them as well.
With luck they might even pick them up!
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