London Mayors' whistle-stop tour of Surbiton.
The Mayor of London was accompanied by a bubble of about 30 Tory party activists, local councillors and Syed Kamall, the party’s current MEP, who lives in Surbiton.
Although the aim was to drum up awareness and support of the European elections, Mr Johnson took centre stage, with the people who met him seeming more interested in photo opportunities than the cut and thrust of political debate on enthralling issues such as the Lisbon Treaty.
Brian Moore, a 33-year-old Sainsbury’s chef from Chessington, tried to get a photo of Mr Johnson on his camera phone, but admitted he did not know about Thursday’s elections or why Boris was in town.
Speaking towards the end of his circuit of Victoria Road, Mr Johnson said: “I’m here to talk to people in Surbiton about the economic difficulties and see how they are feeling about that.
Actually, the one thing that Ken Livingstone did for Surbiton was to block the proposed 'University Village' a few years ago that would have effectively joined Berrylands and New Malden completely.
That would have been a disaster for the area, but I can't think of much else thathe did all of the time he was in office.
I think it is very reassuring that our elected Mayor, whoever it may be and from whatever party, takes the trouble to come out to visit Surbiton.
It would be so easy for those in office to forget all the boroughs on the periphery, despite the fact that we still contribute to the London Assembly coffers.
So it's well done to Boris from me, it's not the first time he's visited Surbiton, he seems to have more consideration for us than his predecessor.
For the record I also think he is doing a good job as mayor and seems to tackle the task with a common sense & realistic approach as opposed to one full of questionable & expensive initiatives designed for maximum publicity. I trust him far more with our money than I did Livingstone.
I agree. Ken Livingstone had no interest in anything outside zone 2. In fairness, Boris may not do either, but he is sensible in putting in 'face time' out here in the suburbs as there are lots of potential voters who probably have very little interest in the mayoral elections.
How can you comment when you were not even there. Boris is a real laugh and a proper gent. Its quite a thing to see people wanting to have their photo with him as he walked down Victoria Road. He just cheers everyone up - unlike some moaners!
How can I comment as I wasn't there. Well lets see I read the report in the local papers and no Conservatives said they were unfair, so that's fair comment. I also said I wasn't there, so what's your point. Do I object to Boris walking down Victoria Road? Of course not, he has an absolute right. Are people cheered up by him? Yes, the majority I expect are...yes even me! Is the 'moaners' comment directed at me? Well I expect it is but I will take that one on the chin. You see moaners often get things done unlike the anonymous of this world. Do I moan? Yes. Will I continue to moan? Yes!
A result of my moaning will most probably be in the Surrey Comet this Friday. Hopefully some good will come out of it. Let see if anonymous you can spot what it is.....
Well 'anonymous' did you spot the article in the Surrey Comet (12 June)?
Was I entitled to moan or should I have accepted the situation?
Well done the Conservatives... A complete non-event as I'm right next to Victoria Road. In fact I was out and about this morning so thankfully it looks as if I missed St.Boris of the Wreath.
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