Death of man in Surbiton now treated as homicide

Lee Styles

Police are treating the death of a man found critically injured in Surbiton as a homicide.

Lee Styles, 39, of Surbiton, was found suffering serious injuries in Fishponds Park shortly before 15:00hrs on Wednesday, 18 December.

Police and the London Ambulance Service attended and he was taken to hospital with head injuries. He was pronounced dead on the afternoon of Thursday, 19 December.

His next of kin have been informed. A post-mortem examination held on Monday, 23 December gave cause of death as head injuries.

Homicide detectives from Specialist Crime officially took on the investigation on 27 December, led by Detective Chief Inspector Justin Howick.

DCI Howick said: “We are piecing together the circumstances surrounding Lee’s death but believe he was assaulted. I would appeal to anyone who may have any information to assist us.

"If you were in the vicinity of Fishponds Park during the afternoon of Wednesday, 18 December, or perhaps you saw Lee around the area, then please call us.

“This was around two weeks ago so I ask all local residents and users of the park to think back to that date. Even a sighting of Lee or anything suspicious around that time could help us piece together what happened.”

An 18-year-old man [A] and a 41-year-old man [B] have been arrested on suspicion of murder and released on bail to return on a date in January.

Anyone with information is asked to contact officers via the incident room 020 8785 8244 quoting reference Cad 4492/18Dec.

To remain 100 per cent anonymous, call the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


I can't believe that the SCUMBAGS that got arrested for the homicide of Lee Styles have both been let off for Lees murder. These two GUTLESS VILE SCUMMY BULLIES are both the ones to kill a man who didnt have a bad bone in him and that was one of the most softest people who had extremely horrible time running up to his death of being bullied by a local drug dealer and beaten up by him in the weeks running up to his murder as well as having to do what he was told to do by the dealer and in the end this dealer is just as guilty as the two scumbags that have just managed to get off with manslaughter but found guilty of robbery on him. Just don't understand why two men get to walk the streets while Lee is never going to walk a street again. Not just did they kill Lee but they also robbed him, took his trousers down to get the drugs that was plugged in Lees bum. Lee had his demons with addiction but it never changed him. He was vulnerable, and he was targeted for his vulnerability. Lee went to work every day with his dad to pay for his drugs and was not a typical drug addict who goes out stealing daily. No Lee worked hard and then he was a target due to his harmless nature and vulnerability. Lee didn't have a bad bone in his body and what these veil creatures are to be let off scott free is discusting.

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