Farmers' market to host cookery demonstration by top chef

Chef Eric Guignard of Surbiton’s award-winning restaurant The French Table will be demonstrating his culinary skills at the next Maple Road Surbiton Farmers’ Market, on Saturday June 19.

Using specialty food and fresh ingredients from the local producers’ market, Eric will prepare some simple, delicious dishes that visitors can then try out at home.

The market runs from 9am to 1pm and the cooking demonstration will take place at 12 noon outside The French Table, recently voted London regional winner of The Good Food Guide Readers’ Restaurant of the Year Award.

Surbiton’s Farmers’ Market is held on the third Saturday of the month in Maple Road and features more than 25 stalls of fresh seasonal produce. Bars and restaurants will be open as usual for breakfast, coffee and lunch.

Local charity The Fircroft Trust will again be among the stallholders, selling plants raised from seeds and cuttings in its greenhouse. Based in Surbiton, the charity supports adults living in the community with mental health problems and/or learning disabilities. The Famers’ Market recently donate £500 to help fund Fircroft’s gardening project, which helps service users to learn new skills, develop new interests and improve their quality of life.

The June market will also welcome Yorda Adventures, a not-for-profit community organisation that works with families in and around the borough to support children and young people with disabilities. The charity will be providing face painting for children on the organisers’ stall.

In addition, stallholders will be donating a basket of produce as a raffle prize for nearby Maple Road Infants School, which holds its Summer Fair on the same day, from 11am to 2pm.

Maple Road Surbiton Farmers’ Market is a Community Interest Company run by volunteers. Surplus proceeds are returned to the community to support local charities and good causes.

For more information on Maple Road Surbiton Farmers’ Market, please contact Sarah Taylor on 020 8390 5673. Look out for more details at the website,


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