Hogsmill Sewage Treatment Works - an update

Thames Water
After recent complaints, residents close to the treatment plant get an update from Thames Water.

The following letter was hand delivered last week:

13 May 2011

Dear Resident

Hogsmill Sewage Treatment Works - an update

We have unfortunately received some complaints about odours from Hogsmill Sewage Treatment Works over the past few weeks, and would therefore like to update local residents about current activities at the site.

We recently had to transport sewage to the works from a collapsed sewer in Kingston Road, which caused some odours as we discharged the sewage into the inlet of the works. Although we are still completing repairs on the sewer, we no longer need to transfer sewage to Hogsmill.

A sludge mixing system has also failed at the site, which means we have had to open tanks, which are normally sealed, to make repairs. This work is ongoing and will be completed in the coming weeks.

Some odours have also been caused by blockages to the cleaning system on the storm tanks, which are used when heavy rain means we need extra capacity at the works. We will address this by installing a new automatic system, but in the meantime will be manually cleaning the tanks each time they are used.

In a separate piece of work, we are carrying out a major construction project at the site, which will cover two open tanks. We will also cover the inlet works, where sewage enters Hogsmill, and install an odour control unit in this area of the site. We expect to complete this work by the end of this year.

We would like to apologise for any increased odours you may have noticed from the site, and reassure you that we are working hard to prevent any future issues of this sort.

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact us either by telephone on 0845 920 0800 or by email customer.feedback@thameswater.co.uk quoting "Hogsmill Sewage Treatment Works".

Yours faithfully

Thames Water PO Box 286 Swindon SN382RA

Colin Stanley Process Manager


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