Teenager hospitalised after McDonald's brawl

A brawl outside McDonald's in the early hours of Sunday morning resulted in a teenager being rushed to hospital.

Ambulance crews were called to the Surbiton branch of the fast food chain just after 2am, after reports that a 19 year old man had had been injured following a fight.

Two groups had congregated outside the restaurant, in Victoria Road, which is open 24 hours a day during the weekend, when an argument broke out.

An exchange of words soon escalated, which resulted in staff barricading the doors as more than 15 people became involved in the fracas by the entrance.

During this time another 19 year old had been attacked and had fallen to the floor, but was treated at the scene.


A bit of a sorry story TBH.
I honestly wouldn't have thought that a food outlet staying open ALL night, even at weekends, in Surbiton would be economically viable.

You would have thought not, wouldn't you?

I suppose it is skeleton staff, 5 or 6 of them at £6 per hour (if they find a way around paying double time), plus the electricity costs.

It might just work, but I doubt that there would be much profit in it.

It is a bit like these Tesco stores that open 24 hours and have virtually no customers in them in the early hours of the morning. The difference is that they have people in already stacking the shelves etc so the marginal cost of opening is minimised.

I really doubt that the likes of McDonald's are really bothered about the profit for such a scheme.
I think its more to do with advertising the brand, after all the first thing that would now pop into my head if i was hungry at 3 in the morning would be McDonald's or Tesco regardless if i actually go there or not.

but McDonalds is a franchise, so on the franchisee has paid their franchise fees to the franchisor, then any profits left are theirs. So even though McDonalds might not be bothered about the profits, the owner(s) of the Surbiton branch will be re: the profits of their branch.

The guy who was the franchisee of the Surbiton branch now runs seven branches! I'm guessing there must be just a 'little' profit in it somewhere.
You certainly don't opt for the 24 hour option if you can't afford it!

Apart from providing yet another place in Surbiton for all the local area dregs to fight, for what reason is McDonalds need to be open 24hrs in Surbiton?

I guess it provides more employment for the Poles.

And the speculated nationalities of the employees is relevant because....?

Classic surbiton.com Daily Mail thread. At least no-one has quoted Littlejohn yet. Well done guys!

I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be open 24 hours.
There is ALWAYS going to be inbreds that are adamant in causing trouble where ever you go and what ever time of day it is.
We shouldn't be pointing the finger at McDonalds but more at the vermin that society breeds.

Absolutely agree, but how many of them would come to Surbiton if the McDonalds was not open?

McDonalds opening 24 hours is pulling these scummy types in from other areas, and bringing the problems with them. I am not saying that people from Surbiton were not involved, but the only reason for people from Chessington to be in Surbiton at that time is because McDonalds was open.

I realise that this is 'NIMBYism' at it's worst, and that revoking this licence will only push the same troublemakers elsewhere, but that would be a start!

Cannot see anything wrong with NIMBYism,why should anyone be required to put up with any nonsense or allow themselves to be cowed by the PC brigades,scum always attract violence,litter,graffiti and drunkeness and we are urged to hug them as they are deprived and NO i do not read the Daily Mail.

Total mystery to me. If you look on their website, the branches that open 24 hours outside of city centres are few and far between - the next nearest to Surbiton are Woking in one direction and Wandsworth in the other.

I have no idea why they have chosen Surbiton for this 'honour'. The last train arrives at 1.30am, and all of the pubs are shut by 1pm (most much earlier). It is hardly a late night hotspot!

It is fair enough if they want to open until 2am to cater for people on their way home from the pubs, but by opening later they are attracting people into Surbiton specifically to go there because it is the only place open in outer SW London.

Clearly, if people are out that late, they are more likely to be drunk/high and therefore more likely to cause trouble. Again, that is fair enough if they are tipping out of pubs/clubs in the area, but attracting them from miles around is a bit much!

So, McDonalds Surbiton starts to open 24 hours a day and chavvy kids from Chessington stop there to have fights on their way home from Corky's bar...

To be honest, I am surprised that this is the first time this has happened, as it has been opening for 24 hours at the weekends for some months now.

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