Local charity ambassador wins National Volunteering Award

Dave Farris and The Children's Society's Chief Executive, Matthew Reed

A devoted charity volunteer from Surbiton has been honoured with a National Volunteering Award from The Children’s Society to recognise him as an inspiring speaker for the charity.

Dave Farris has worked tirelessly for The Children’s Society for almost 30 years helping in many different ways and has more recently volunteered as a speaker, giving creative talks to make people aware of the work the charity does and to inspire them to help. He was pleasantly surprised to be presented with an award from the charity in appreciation for his outstanding contribution over the years.

In the last 27 years Dave has worked on numerous activities including collection box appeals, helping with fundraising events and since he took early retirement in 2009 he started volunteering as a speaker for the charity. He has also supported regional fundraisers and helped train new speakers.

Speakers use their skills and passion to reach out to different audiences in their communities, such as community groups, Churches and companies, inspiring them about our work with children facing poverty, neglect or family crisis.

Dave said: “It was a wonderful surprise to receive the National Volunteering Award for my outstanding contribution to the charity!

“I've always believed that children should be able to have a good childhood, and that if I can help that in some way then who knows what a child might go on to achieve.

“I've given talks in dozens of places across London, Surrey, Sussex and Kent so hopefully I have inspired lots of people to support The Children’s Society along the way.”

The Children’s Society’s Chief Executive, Matthew Reed said:

“It was an absolute honour to present Dave with the award to say thank you from The Children’s Society. Over the last year the charity has had 10,000 volunteers supporting our work so winning this award is an amazing achievement and we are enormously grateful for his contribution over the years.

“Dave is an exceptionally gifted speaker who really talks from the heart. Volunteers like him form such a vital part of our mission to change children’s lives and we wouldn’t be able to do it without people like him. We work to help children and young people who have nowhere left to turn, so with the support of inspiring people like Dave we’re able to continue our life-changing work”.

If you would like to find out more about getting involved in volunteering please visit childrenssociety.org.uk/volunteer


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