Local Theatre vs The Credit Crunch

Scaramouche Jones and The Canterbury Tales at The Cornerhouse Arts Centre.

This Christmas the Corner House defies the economic doom and gloom with a programme of high quality, low price theatre
This local arts centre has a long standing tradition of providing entertainment by the community, for the community.

This season is no exception, with two shows set to cater for all tastes and and provide an opportunity for members of the community to experience top flight theatre right on their doorstep.

Tacit Theatre started out at The Cornerhouse several years ago and have since produced seven shows in and around the Kingston area. They are delighted to return to the Cornerhouse with their two most popular shows to date: Scaramouche Jones and The Canterbury Tales

Scaramouche Jones 27-29th November
Local acting talent Tom Daplyn reprises his role as the charismatic 100 year old gypsy clown Scaramouche Jones in this one-man theatrical tour de force. The show comes to the cornerhouse fresh from its sell- out run at Surbiton’s Waggon and Horses this June.

Join Scaramouche on his fantastic journey through the ups and downs of the 20th century, as he searches tropic, desert and metropolis for his mysterious English father. This production is directed by Jon Constant, a dedicated local actor and director whose previous productions at the CornerHouse include Peter Shaffer’s Amadeus and Terry Pratchett’s Wyrd Sisters. Tom’s acting credits include Dorian in The Picture of Dorian Grey with Bury Theatre Royal, as well as several Tacit productions.

For tickets and more info, visit www.tacittheatre.co.uk
The Canterbury Tales 18-20th December

Once upon a time, a band of revellers, vagabonds and rascals travelling from London to Canterbury told a few stories...

This merry band, created by Geoffrey Chaucer, became the most famous group of drinking buddies ever, even influencing Shakepeare.
The stories they told have thrilled and delighted audiences for centuries, and this Christmas they get a uniquely comic re-telling in this all singing, all dancing family-friendly show.
This evening will be entertainment with the seriousness and formality of the theatre left outside! It is a chance for those in the local area who fancy a night out to relax, laugh, and have a few ales with friends and family, without the worry of travelling the long and lonesome road home.

Enter Tacit’s Tavern Theatre and enjoy a tankard of ale or a glass of mulled wine as the knights, peasants and wenches of a bygone age entertain with a wealth of tales and songs...
For those who have always dreamed of becoming a real life medieval wench or rogue for an evening, there will be an opportunity at each performance for members of the audience to flex their acting talents and join in the fun!

Naughty faeries, jealous husbands, evil crones and blushing buxom barmaids; they’ll all be there at this unmissable evening of fun and enchantment!

For tickets and more info, visit www.tacittheatre.co.uk


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