Maple Road Farmer's Market - threat of closure

Last weekend's market could be the last.

Do you love the buzz and colour of Surbiton’s monthly Farmers’ Markets, the chance to meet up with neighbours and friends and buy top quality produce locally sourced?

Then prepare for disturbing news. Last weekend’s market could be the last. Kingston Council’s Marketing Officers are proposing to designate Maple Road a Street Trading Zone, a move which we feel would spell the death knell for the market. Unless we all get together and act now the market could be gone forever.

Why was Surbiton Farmer’s Market set up?

Surbiton Farmer’s Market was formed as a Community Interest Company

with three specific aims:

• To bring local people together, create a sense of community and make people feel involved in their neighbourhood.

• To raise money for local charities. So far thousands of pounds have been generated, helping everyone from adults with learning difficulties to young people caring for family members.

• To encourage people to shop locally. This in turn regenerates the area economically and helps local businesses through tough times.

Wholly staffed by a small team of dedicated, local volunteers who oversee all aspects of the market operation, from initial setup to crowd safety and street sweeping, the market costs Kingston Council nothing.

So why would a Trading Zone be such a bad thing?

Kingston Council do not see the Farmer’s Market as the charitable, community-based enterprise it is. They see it as a commercial venture and as such want to designate Maple Road a Trading Zone. This action would incur the market substantial commercial business charges — a huge hike in costs which would completely negate any profits currently put into local charities.

Designating Maple Road a Trading Zone would also have another adverse effect. Other markets with less community focus could request to set up along the street as could street traders such as burger vans. We believe that local residents do not want this.

What is the bottom line?

Put simply, if the Zoning is allowed to go ahead, the market will cease. Why should volunteers continue to give their time and efforts if all they are doing is raising money that goes straight to the Council and not to the community.

What is being done?

We are currently working with all stakeholders in the market to find a solution acceptable on all sides. But we urgently need your help.

OK, what can I do?

1. Send an email to Bruce McDonald, the chief executive of Kingston Council. His email is Tell him that you do not want to see Maple Road designated as a Trading Zone as it will destroy any community aspect of the market.

If you are busy simply copy and paste the following paragraph followed by your name, address and email.

But act quickly. The deadline for objections is Monday 30 August.


Dear Mr McDonald

I am writing to object to the proposed designation of Maple Road, Surbiton as a Trading Zone. This action would make Maple Road Farmers’ Market unviable as a community-based event and cease to provide profits which go into local charities.


Alternatively, email us at and we will make your views known.

2. Get your friend and neighbours involved. The more people who support the cause the better

3. Show your support and views by joining "Save Surbiton Farmers' Market" group on facebook, And follow us on Twitter at surbfarmmarket for our latest updates

4. Come to the Surbiton Neighbourhood meeting at Dysart School, 190 Ewell Road on 8th September at 7.30pm during which the fate of the market will be decided. We urge as many people as possible to attend to show the Council that we do not want Maple Road to become a Trading Zone. We want to keep our lovely community market!

Thank you for your support.
If you have any queries please feel free to call Sarah Taylor on 0208 390 5673

Surbiton Farmers’ Market Committee

Community Interest Company registration number 7023518


I can hardly say I am surprised.

Kingston Council is the worst example of a Council who wants to run everything and allow resident no say in how their community is developed.

I hoped the Lib Dem administration might listen to the new Government's desire for localism but it appears it wil be over their dead bodies!!

Move the market elsewhere, a trading zone will ruin maple road.

Where else would you suggest? Maple Road is not only a highly attractive, accessible location just a few minutes' stroll from the station, but it also has wide pavements, is bus-free and has five (soon to be six) excellent bars and restaurants to enjoy a coffee or breakfast. I couldn't think of anywhere more pleasant to shop and meet friends.

In the school grounds just opposite.

Why not Balaclava rec?

or the station forecourt, with overspill in front of the roadway in front of dsg house and the old St Marks Chavern.

This would benefit Victoria Road - it needs more help than the non-core, poncy Maple Road.

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