Wanted appeal stepped up in continued crack down on violence

Daniel Earl is wanted on suspicion of possession of a firearm, theft and assault

Daniel Earl (29/09/1989) is wanted on suspicion of possession of a firearm, theft and an assault. This relates to incidents at locations in Surbiton and New Malden.

The Metropolitan Police Service are today releasing 13 images of people who are wanted in connection with mainly violent offences across London.

Those wanted are suspected to be linked to a range of offences including robbery, assault, possession of weapons, kidnap and other offences.

To help locate these wanted men, their faces will be displayed on the side of two vans which will be driven around areas of London today and tomorrow (Thursday, 13 February and Friday, 14 February) where we believe they may be.

This is all part of the Met’s continued effort to drive down violence across the capital and ensure that those who pose the highest risk the public are tracked down and are brought before the courts.

Detective Chief Superintendent (DCS) Lee Hill, Head of the Violent Crime Task Force said, “Some of these people are wanted in connection with some shocking acts of violence and I would urge anyone with information to get in touch.

“I know there will be people who have information on where they are and with your help, it will only be a matter of time before they are located and dealt with.

“We understand that members of the public may be nervous to talk with police, therefore if you don’t want to talk to us I would encourage you to contact Crimestoppers. They are completely independent of police and any information you provide to them is 100% anonymous.”

In addition to pursuing these wanted men, officers across the Met are conducting a number of operational activities throughout this week to tackle violence, including high visibility patrols and executing a number of warrants at addresses.

DCS Hill added: “Violence continues to be our number one priority and we are absolutely committed to taking decisive action to cut violence and track down wanted offenders.

“The proactivity from all our officers across the organisation will continue, as we work to deny criminals the opportunity to commit acts of violence on the streets of London.”

Those who are wanted:

  • Jimmy Connors (28/04/1989) is wanted for absconding from prison and on suspicion of an assault in Castleford.
  • Viorel Radulescu (19/09/1996) is wanted for failing to appear at Woolwich Crown Court on 10 May 2019 where he had been charged with burglary at an address in Welling.
  • Jimmy Songa (01/06/1998) is wanted on suspicion of robbery on 28 May 2019 in Forest Gate.
  • Kyran Downer (09/04/1991) is wanted on suspicion for supplying Class A drugs.
  • Bradley Davis (03/05/1985) is wanted on suspicion of assault and criminal damage in Twickenham on 17 January 2020.
  • Danny Vernon (19/08/1995) is wanted for failing to appear at court where he had been charged in connection with a stabbing on 30 September 2017 on Oxford Street.
  • Wayne Barton (13/09/1989) is wanted on suspicion of assault in Richmond on 21 October 2019.
  • Joshua Davis (04/09/1996) is wanted on suspicion of a public disorder (namely violent rioting) offence at a bar in Putney on 12 January 2020.
  • Daniel Earl (29/09/1989) is wanted on suspicion of possession of a firearm, theft and an assault. This relates to incidents at locations in Surbiton and New Malden.
  • Jaeon Foster (26/11/1989) is wanted on suspicion of two assaults and traffic offences in Clapham.
  • Amar Shahid (28/09/1995) is wanted on suspicion of an assault in New Malden on 27 January 2020.
  • Andrew Kabengele (08/11/2001) is wanted on suspicion of kidnapping following an incident in Edmonton on 17 November 2019.
  • Jake Glasgow (02/01/1993) is wanted on suspicion of a robbery in Richmond on 1 January 2020.

Do you know any of the wanted men or know of them? If so, do you know what car they drive, or where they go regularly? Where they live?

Can you help us by keeping an eye out for them and seeing if you recognise them on the street? If you do know where they are, you've seen them, or you have any information which may help us locate them please dial 999. Do not put yourself at risk, or confront the individual. Find an appropriate place to make the phone call where you cannot be heard.

However, if you prefer, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers. They’re not part of the police. They never ask your name and cannot trace your call or the device you use. All the information you pass on is anonymous and the police don’t get any information as to who or where it might have come from. You can contact report online at https://crimestoppers-uk.org/ or by calling 0800 555 111.


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