Middle-aged ex-pirate rules the airwaves

Local Radio Jackie hits 40 years.

Mike Knight, 57, who was the first voice to grace the airwaves in 1969 and to this day has a Sunday show, spent 28 days in Pentonville prison in the 1970s for illegal broadcasting on Radio Jackie.

He and his teenage friends were so desperate to get on air that they set up mobile home-made transmitters and pushed them round parks, wrapped up in blankets in a pram.

Constantly on the run from the radio regulators, they originally broadcast for 30-minute slots on a Sunday as part of a network with other pirate stations, but this was deemed a disaster because of patchy reception.


I also love Jackie - but it seems so faceless. I'm originally from Devon and the local radio station really does build a sort of community feeling. They're always out and about, you see them at shows, school fayres, they broadcast from different areas etc. etc. But Jackie gives the (probably very correct) impression that it's a bloke sitting alone in a small studio with someone reading news off the internet every now and again.

They should do the odd OB from Kingston town centre every now and again - get the locals involved more. Do a couple of 'Save our butchers' type crusades etc.

No Radio Jackie cannot be heard through the telly. You can find them on the dial at 107.8 FM and online at www.radiojackie.com

Still cant find must be my wireless

Most kind,thankyou,I shall try and find it on my wireless.

Great what frequency are they on, and can you get them on Freeviews channels?

I love Radio Jackie - I listen all day at work and have it on at home quite often too. They just play a great mix of music from the 60s to current, and their playlist is so DEEP. I never hear the same songs in the same day, usually longer. Brilliant.

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