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shbib Private hospital group considers debt reduction.
The private-hospitals group Nuffield Health is considering a sale of some of its assets, including Vanguard, its mobile operating-theatre arm, as concerns grow over the scale of its debt.
The healthcare group, a registered charity, is believed to be sounding out advisers on the sale of Vanguard, estimated to be worth £35m.
There has been speculation that Nuffield may want to sell assets to reduce its debt, which stood at almost £340m, according to the 2007 report and accounts, the most recent publicly available.
Read more:
The Times: Hospital firm eyes sell-off
i have just rang nuffeld for the name of thier managing director as I, and many others have complaints about the way they extort money in their health clubs, ie miss selling their product and then hounding people via collections agencies, a south african lady very angrily informed me that i couldnt speak to anyone nor was she allowed to give out names of staff to write to! all in all an organisation one should be very very wary of dealing with, especially if you are considering giving them your hard earned cash, perhaps this is why their in financial trouble, BEWARE of NUFFIELD
The office is now officially empty. They had a planning application to extend turned down a year or so ago, so this is probably the reason that they left. I was pleased the application was turned down as the building is already very large and unattractive - a blot on what would have previously been one of the nicest parts of town. It looks as though the extension to the DST building will go ahead, though.
I don't think that having this building empty is as damaging to the local area as more empty shops.
I notice that thier head office next to Waitrose is also 'To Let' from June 2009. I had assumed that this was because they needed somwhere bigger now they have bought Cannons et al, but this article tends to suggest it is likley to that they will be moving somewhere cheaper.
It is a massive building, and I can't see too many companies queuing up to rent thousands and thousands of sqft of office space in Surbiton during a recession - especially as there a likely to be deals on space in central London.
At least it won't look as bad as all of the empty shops.
Looking at their website it seems their head office is now in New Malden.... Good for local business in New Malden. Bad for Surbiton I suppose.
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