The October Project comes to The cornerHOUSE

Windblown Tree, black & white original photograph by Sara Schutz
Puri Beach, original screenprint by Andrea Robinson
Tahiti, pastel portrait by Lynne Humberstone

A month-long showcase celebrates ten years of friendship and artistic endeavour with a richly varied exhibition of portraits, figurative work, landscapes, and collaged images, silkscreen printmaking, and photography.

Su Collins, Lynne Humberstone and Andrea Robinson first met in October 2002 when they attended life classes at Wimbledon School of Art. Su lives in Surbiton and has been involved with The cornerHOUSE for more than ten years – she uses pencil and pastel to interpret the human form.

Like Su, Lynne works with live models, creating portraits in pencil, pastel and oils. Andrea works across a range of media to tell personal stories; her prints often incorporate text and found objects, or take family photographs as a starting point.

Andrea and Sara grew up not far from The cornerHOUSE and have known each other for many years. Sara uses traditional and digital photography processes to capture and communicate the beauty she sees in the world around her, on her travels and closer to home. Sara's black & white and colour landscapes and portraits complete this group show.

THE OCTOBER PROJECT – paintings, prints, photography and drawings by Su Collins, Lynne Humberstone, Andrea Robinson and Sara Schutz

1-26 October 2012 at The cornerHOUSE, 116 Douglas Road, Surbiton, KT6 7SB

There is a gala night on Tuesday, 9th October from 7-9pm for people to meet the artists and talk to them about their work.

Admission is free and all are welcome. All the works in the exhibition are for sale.

For access to The cornerHOUSE please contact 0771 809 2818 or visit the website


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