Simon Hickson went missing from Surbiton in April 2009.
On Friday 13 May 2011 at 9.15 am his story is being featured on the BBC 1 TV programme MISSING. If you are unable to watch the programme on Friday morning, it will be available to view on BBC iplayer following broadcast.
Simon would now be 44 years old and is 5 ft 8 in tall, with hazel eyes, brown hair and was of medium build in 2009. He was a long term Surbiton and Kingston resident having lived in St James Road, Tolworth Road and in central Kingston.
Simon is much missed and if anyone should have any information at all please contact Missing People: https://www.missingpeople.org.uk/simonhickson
Thank you.
MISSING Episode 5 featuring Simon Hickson is now available to view at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00jd4s1
Scroll to 13:36 minutes.
And if you have any information please get in touch with Missing Persons on 0500 700 700
Rather similar wording to that originally used by surbitonpeople!
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