St Matthew's Church Surbiton on 'At Risk' register

'At risk' St Matthew’s Church Surbiton wins National Lottery support for repairs.

St Matthew’s Church Surbiton has discovered serious faults with its tower and spire, and has been put on the “at risk” register by Historic England. The church has applied to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for National Lottery funding to help with the costs of essential repairs to this listed building.

The church has received initial support* from HLF for the renovation project, it was announced today. Made possible by National Lottery players, the St Matthew's project aims to halt some serious deterioration which threatens the future of the church tower, a prominent local landmark. Development funding of £25,000 has been awarded to help St Matthew’s progress their plans to apply for a full grant at a later date.

The project aims to carry out essential conservation work to preserve the church for future generations. As part of the project the church will be open to the public much more frequently and be more available for use by the local community. Local volunteers with an interest in the church will be invited for training in appreciating and communicating to others the rich heritage of this important building. Educational workshops about the bells, stained glass and war memorial are part of the project plans.

St Matthew’s was built in 1875, in what was then open countryside. Its aim was to serve the local community at time of significant local residential development, and this service has continued ever since. The building is a classic example of high Victorian neo-Gothic architecture. It was paid for by one man, William Coulthurst of Coutts Bank, in memory of his sister. It contains stained glass windows by noted designers, a fine 3-manual organ, a rare bell chime and a large war memorial from WW1.

Commenting on the HLF award, Vicar Rev. Helen Hancock said: “We’re delighted that we’ve received this support thanks to National Lottery players. The church has been an important focal point for the community for the past 140 years, and it’s great to know that we are a step closer to preserving it for another century or more.”

For details of how you can help save this local landmark please vist the St Matthew’s website at


Good news. Every structure in the Kingston borough is at risk with the current greed-driven administration in power. I hope this grant is able to cover repairs to the church and that it is therefore safe from being knocked down and tower blocks of flats built in it's place as we have seen so much in Kingston in the last few years.

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