Surbiton Farmers’ Market stallholders scoop top awards

Two local bakers and Farmers’ Market regulars have had their achievements recognised in national and London-wide food awards.

Lallapolosa Baking Company has won a top-rated 3-star prize at the Great Taste Awards 2012. The awards are known as the most trusted and recognised food and drink accolades in the industry and are voted for by a panel of more than 300 judges.

Based in Maple Road, home of Surbiton’s monthly Farmers’ Market, Lallapolosa was one of only 120 from 8,800 submissions to achieve the coveted three stars, for its popular Florentines cookies.

Meanwhile, artisan bakery Rubens Bakehouse has been selected for the final 10 in 'London's Best Loaf' competition organised by The Jellied Eel magazine and The Real Bread Campaign. Nearly 1,200 votes were cast for Rubens’ Hamlands sourdough, hand baked in nearby Ham.

The award-winning bakers will be among 26 stallholders at Surbiton’s next market, from 9am to 1pm on Saturday September 15. Stalls will also include local charity Kingston Street Pastors, an inter-denominational street-based support project, and Save the World, Kingston’s environmental arts project that has particular expertise in supporting young offenders.

Held on the third Saturday of each month, Maple Road Surbiton Farmers’ Market is a Community Interest Company organised by and for the community. Surplus proceeds from stall fees and fundraising are donated to local charities and causes.

Recent donations include £209 to Animal Rescue and Care and £109 to Kingston Association for the Blind, to match funds raised at the July and August markets.

The September market will be the last in its summer music season when talented local musicians will again be entertaining visitors.

Look out for the Maple Road Surbiton Farmers’ Market stall and a selection of its regular stallholders at the Surbiton Festival on Saturday September 29.

• For more information email, visit, join us on Facebook at Surbiton Farmers’ Market or follow us on Twitter at #surbitonfarmersmrkt.


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