Motorists slapped with £4.5million fines because restrictions ’completely unclear’

Hundreds of drivers who were slapped with a combined amount of £4.5million in fines by Kingston Council could get a refund because traffic restriction signs were “completely unclear”.

Refunds for the fines  handed out when the controversial Surbiton Crescent traffic restrictions were in place, are “in the mix” of Kingston Council’s forthcoming emergency budget.

Leader of the council Liz Green said: “I am on record as saying about Surbiton Crescent that I felt the signs were completely unclear, and I’ve asked many a question over probably an 18-month period over them.”

The restrictions, part of the £30million “mini-Holland” scheme called Go Cycle, led to an estimated £4.5million of fines being racked up in their first year from November 2016.

New Malden campaigner James Giles told the council’s Finance and Contracts Committee on June 28 that the Liberal Democrats had asked for first-time-offence fines to be repaid to motorists when they were still  in opposition, and he wanted to know if that was “still the plan” now they are in administration.

The emergency budget was one of the central promises in the Lib Dem manifesto for the May local elections, and it is expected to be passed at the full council meeting on July 17.

The restrictions were initially approved as a six-month trial beginning in November 2016, then on a permanent basis from June 2017.

That decision was called in, and the restrictions were discussed by councillors again in July 2017, but they upheld the original decision.

At that meeting, a Liberal Democrat amendment to refund first-time fines and set up a task and finish group to examine the issue was voted down.


I got hit twice at surbiton crescent costing me a handsome amount of money. There were no signs at the time and the whole thing reeks of outright fraud. Until I get my money back I will continue to regard Kingston council as legalised thieves, and I have nothing but utter contempt for the council and feel shocked at the complete failure in the rule of law and morality in this country.

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