ridiculous - Courtlands Road is far from a busy road, never mind a rat run. The only traffic it carries is local Berrylands traffic - and that's pretty miniscule.
The only real rat running that goes on in Berrylands is
1. the King Charles road which is used to avoid the Ewell Road
2. Elmbridge Ave / Surbiton Hill Park, exiting at KCR railway bridge which is used when coming from the A3 to avoid Tolworth Roundabout / Ewell road
I do think that an enforced 20mph limit across the whole of Berrylands would cut down on these genuine rat runners.
If Tfl was run to improve traffic flow,it would open the arterial roads (Ewell and Hook) make them red routes and clutter free and thus the migration of traffic from them along KCR and Sur Hill Park,of course it won't as this may speed up traffic,anathema to planners.
So any normal commuter will seek out any alternative route available and if Berrylands becomes covered in humps and necks we all suffer wrecked suspensions and the constant gear changing and revving causes even more noise and pollution.
20 mph is quite unenforceable without gantries of cameras etc.
Many roads are so poorly arranged (Raeburn Ave) that 20 is fast,the parking plus bus route means endless stop starts when the solution is simple.Just cut into the verges by a metre or less each side,Sunray has this,and then we can all get along,it is not a rat run just us Berrylanders trying to get to school,work,shops etc,no wonder the Broadway is dying.
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ridiculous - Courtlands Road is far from a busy road, never mind a rat run. The only traffic it carries is local Berrylands traffic - and that's pretty miniscule.
The only real rat running that goes on in Berrylands is
1. the King Charles road which is used to avoid the Ewell Road
2. Elmbridge Ave / Surbiton Hill Park, exiting at KCR railway bridge which is used when coming from the A3 to avoid Tolworth Roundabout / Ewell road
I do think that an enforced 20mph limit across the whole of Berrylands would cut down on these genuine rat runners.
If Tfl was run to improve traffic flow,it would open the arterial roads (Ewell and Hook) make them red routes and clutter free and thus the migration of traffic from them along KCR and Sur Hill Park,of course it won't as this may speed up traffic,anathema to planners.
So any normal commuter will seek out any alternative route available and if Berrylands becomes covered in humps and necks we all suffer wrecked suspensions and the constant gear changing and revving causes even more noise and pollution.
20 mph is quite unenforceable without gantries of cameras etc.
Many roads are so poorly arranged (Raeburn Ave) that 20 is fast,the parking plus bus route means endless stop starts when the solution is simple.Just cut into the verges by a metre or less each side,Sunray has this,and then we can all get along,it is not a rat run just us Berrylanders trying to get to school,work,shops etc,no wonder the Broadway is dying.
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