Suspected brothel in Surbiton

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Vice squad raid Glenbuck Court

Police raided a suspected brothel in Glenbuck Court, overlooking Surbiton station, was raided by officers from the Metropolitan Police's Clubs and Vice Unit as part of Operation Icefall.

Seven people have been arrested including a couple at the house in Leatherhead. It is believed that they used the profits of their prostitution network to support a lavish lifestyle from their two homes in Leatherhead, Surrey and the Gloucestershire market town of Dursley.

Women smuggled into Britain from south-east Asia and eastern Europe were forced to work 12 hour days for little or no pay at the brothels in Surbiton, West Sunbury, Egham and West Drayton, police said.

Detective Chief Superintendent Richard Martin, who led behind the operation by the Metropolitan Police's clubs and vice unit, said "The experiences of the women that are forced into prostitution are absolutely dreadful."


(I've just read the above related articles.) If these men that go to brothels actually sat back and considered the fact that most of the women in these brothels are being held against their will and forced to have sex with them or get a beating, then I would hope they may decide to go home to their wives or even try a dating website to get lucky. All business is based on supply and demand and if men who use prostitutes realised that they are paying a huge part in these girls cruelty then I would like to think some men may re-consider going to a brothel and maybe less women will have to go through such a tragic existence. It breaks my heart to know that there are women being held captive and forced to service men against their will in and around Surbiton.

Ahh, the oldest profession.

Great article in superfreakonomics on all of this, and why you will never stop it.
Interesting Thesis that as the demand for sex outside of marriage has decreased, due to more permissive morals and contraception, the prostitutes have been forced to bow to commercial pressure and reduce prices. Still room for The like of Belle Du Jour, though!

Not that i condone it, but the whole attitude of society towards prostitution, prostitutes and the men and women who frequent them and pimp for them is fascinating.....

There is one in Brighton road. even has a web page. how come this not been shut down - So obvious too has cameras and barred doors!

i do beleive you are a regular customer of this establishment, that has been refused entry, reason being your ignorant attitude towards to women ....barred doors are to keep out the likes of you !!!!

The police will turn a blind eye to this type of thing unless it starts causing big problems, in the same way they do with soft drugs.

It is distasteful, and it must be very grim if you live in close proximity, but it is better than having open soliciting on the streets which is what you see in a lot of places.

Ok, make it legal.........
and then tax it!

Hopefully the rise in income into government coffers would see my tax bill reduced, though I wouldn't hold my breath, as I'm sure that greed would quash that outcome.
Nevertheless, money (probably lots of it) is changing hands for 'services rendered' and therefore should be taxed........ The 'so called' deterrent of prison is a myth partly because they are already full! So why don't we as a society 'cash in'?

It should be made legal as it is in many countries in Europe and around the World, then it would be properly regulated. We English should grow up, it´s always been there and always will.

You are the one who should grow up. I caught my husband of 30 years coming out of the rear entrance of 8 Glenbuck Court in December 2006. The flat had 2 entrances, one through the main entrance, there was a camera over the door and the second was accessed from a door at the front of the tower which is on the left hand side. I had been suscpicious for sometime and after watching the flat on several occasions I caught my husband. I am still married to him and try to forget. I never will forget or forgive. The BBC news item caught my eye and I was stunned to see a picture of Glenbuck Court (this caused a major episode of stress and I have lost a considerable amount of weight) Unfortunatly the picture shown in all news articles is incorrect. The flat is situated in the tower on the left of the building. I contacted the council on several occasions advising them that the flat should be paying business rates and why they should be paying higher rates. It seems it has taken sometime to catch them but I'm glad they have. In case your're wondering I am an articulate, trim, amusing and attractive women. Just a bad judge of character!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The way you are describing yourself at the end of your comment sounds as tho u r looking to attract someone yourself

how many brothels are there in glenbuck court surbiton? number 17 was raided and closed all we need now is for number 8 to be closed then we can live in peace in glenbuck court.

So true. Men back and forth all the time!!!! My b'friend went there to report a leak that was coming from there and was invited in. He obviously explained what he was there for.......

Is shouldn't take much effort to clamp down on these places if the will really existed.
A few phone calls to any of the numbers would soon establish the addresses.

I think the law says that there has to be more than one worker to make the address illegal, but even single worker establishments could be reported to the council as having no-one really living there under the empty property legislation, or as illegally being used for business pruposes.

Its the mobile ones that are tricky to trap.

Surbiton has always been full of brothels - or at least, so I'm lead to believe.

sounds like you've had some experience jerry ;)

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