A taste of summer at Surbiton’s Farmers’ Market

Fill up your fridge with fresh market produce and enjoy the summer sunshine at Maple Road Surbiton Farmers’ Market this Saturday.

Among wonderful seasonal produce and speciality foods from 26 farmers and producers will be Secretts summer fruits and vegetables, farmhouse cheeses from Norbiton Cheese, Giggly Pig sausages and burgers, Pantry Cupcakes, Posh Pies and SussexWay meats. There’ll also be chocolates from Maple Road-based Lallapolosa Baking Company, teas from Tiger Spring Tea and plenty more.

Kingston Hospital Radio will be entertaining shoppers and also raising funds through donations for playing requests and dedications. Maple Road’s popular bars and pavement cafes will be open for breakfast, coffee and lunch during the market, which runs from 9am to 1pm. With good weather forecast, it should make for a great atmosphere for visitors.

Surbiton Farmers’ Market is a community interest company run by and for the community by volunteers. Surplus proceeds are returned to the community to support local charities and causes.

Congratulations to The Stud Nursery, run by The Causeway Centre for adults with learning disabilities, which raised £130 in July by selling plants grown in Home Park. The amount will be matched by a donation from the Farmers' Market.

• Maple Road Surbiton Farmers’ Market is held on the third Saturday of the month. For more information, call Sarah Taylor on 020 8390 5673, visit www.mapleroadsurbiton.co.uk or find us on Facebook at Surbiton Farmers’ Market.


I went on Satturday (20th August), and it was a fantastic morning out. The produce on display and for sale was excellent, and to make things even better, there was a guy from Kingston Hospital Radio there playing the most fantastic music I've heard in a very long time. He made the whole event for me.
Will definitely be going to the Surbiton Farmers Market again!! (If only to listen to the DJ !!).


Strange,I turned around and beat a hasty retreat back home as soon as I realised the "Market" had become a DJ "set",why spoil a perfectly good idea with quite unnecessary music,are the BBC sponsoring this event?

I agree. I didn't go this time, but music seems an unnecessary addition to this event. It would turn it into more of a school fete-feeling event than a market!

I think it already is a school fete, the number of prams and screaming little snots are enough to turn anyone away! At least the music can drown them out.

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