The Waggon and Horses Refurbishment & Party

100 m
500 ft

On Friday the 27th June the Waggon and Horses pub in Surbiton will be celebrating its new look after a complete refurbishment.

This will be a very special night for brother and sister duo Stephen and Mary King, who took on a 20-year lease for the pub earlier this year. The team come straight from the restaurant world, and have used their combined experience to transform the business, creating a welcoming and traditional pub that serves gourmet food of the highest quality to Surbiton and the surrounding area.

There will be a BBQ throughout the weekend of the 27th, served up by the Waggon's double Rosette Award-winning Australian chef, Mark Hyam, in the brand new 100+ capacity patio garden.

All are invited to the launch party on Friday 27th, 7pm till late, with live music, a BBQ, and a free glass of Pimm's for every customer from 7-9. Entry is free

The Waggon and Horses is at:
1 Surbiton Hill Road


Before the revamp, food in this pub was not great at all! We stopped going there although it is literally around the corner from where we live.
Great news to hear of recent developments - will be trying out new menu very soon!

Thanks,I shall give it a few months to weather in and then give it a try.
For me the Victoria takes a lot of beating though, it still feels like a pub should and no pretence to be a gastro experience.

The "good pub destroyed" comment isn't particularly fair. Before this revamp, and before the new landlord and landlady this "good pub" wasn't particularly supported by locals, therefore its no great surprise that this has been revamped. Yes, the pub did have great character, but the referb is decent too, so perhaps they should be judged on the all round atmosphere and environment created as a result.

As I understand it, the pub is much busier now, therefore well done to them.......there isn't any point having a "good pub" with noone in it.

Oh dear not another good pub destroyed and turned into a gastro dining experience.

I shall have to let it settle and then see what they have done

Shame - this pub had great character, if they've ripped the back out then that woukd be a travesty.

excellent! I know where I will be on friday.

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