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inkswamp Youths steal bag from owners car.
Sohan Lal Saini, 72, of Hamilton Avenue, Tolworth was driving back from Surbiton station at 10.45pm when he wound down his window to ask directions back to Tolworth from three boys who were standing on the corner of Oakhill Road.
Mr Saini said one of the boys reached into the open window and snatched the blue fabric shoulder bag, containing his manuscript, a poetry notebook and some food, from the passenger seat in a "split second".
"I am upset and disgusted. I couldn't sleep last night - it isn't of monetary value to anyone so I hope if someone finds it they will hand it in to police."
Read more:
Wimbledon Guardian
he is fairly unlucky, or stupid:
1) didn't make a backup
2) lives in Tolworth but doesn't know his way back from Surbiton
(it can't be that difficult - only a choice of 2 main roads)
3) manages to come across the only street gang ever to set foot in Oakhill
(a place with a zero crime record and couldn't be more opposite from an inner city neighbourhood. They were probablyas lost as he was).
It always seems to be old people who stop, wind down their window and ask young people on the street late at night who end up in trouble.
Surely he has a backup copy of his manuscript? If not then he's really stupid to only have one copy.
Lets hope these scumbags get executed!
Can I just point out to other readers that this is the view of an anonymous poster and does not necessarily reflect the views of the majority of Surbiton residents.
Personally I'd like to see them castrated at birth.
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