YMCA Youth Photography Competition

not every person with a hoodie up is bad, they sometimes try to hide their feeli
Music inspires me in my community because it brings everyone together and gives
I was inspired by this because, to me it represents how even in a rough area ama

YMCA London South West have chosen the winners for their first Youth Photography Competition.

Being a local community charity, it was fitting that the theme was “what inspires me in my community” and we were very impressed with the standard and quality of the images sent in. The competition winners were announced alongside an exhibition of entries on Friday 5th at ‘Room Exposed’ a charity open event and showcase. Many of the young people we work with at our Music Room youth projects performed live. It was a great opportunity for YMCA Youth Workers to celebrate the creativity of the young people they work with and as well as the photography exhibition, there was an awards ceremony for the winners of the Jack Petchy Youth Awards.

This lively evening was attended by many local families, councillors and YMCA LSW sponsors who enjoyed the solo acoustic and band performances which ranged in style from rap to rock. Home lifestyle shop Tiger in Kingston have been a supporter of the YMCA and its youth appeal YouFund for over a year and was represented at the event by Manager Ian Longmore who was one of the photography competition judges:

‘I was blown away by the creativity and the artistic depth of the entries for the photo competition. Tiger are very happy to work with and donate to the YMCA, and we are delighted with what the Room team have achieved with our donations.’

Emily Savage won the camera category. The judges were very impressed with her photo of a local teen, submitted with the caption ‘not every person with a hoodie up is bad, they sometimes try to hide their feelings from the world, but now clubs for youngsters tell you that it’s not good to bottle it up. This is my community” and the runner up was Danielle Connor. Olenka El-Kadiri won the phone Category and Courtney Rees came second.


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