Surbiton actor guilty of sexual assault

Actor John Jaynes left Kingston Crown Court a free man on Monday despite pleading guilty to sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl with whom he once had a long-term relationship.

According to defence counsel Ian Lawrie, Jaynes was only charged with the offence after the victim visited a psychiatrist last year and was encouraged to speak to the police.

Jaynes, from Oakwood Road, is on the books of a central London casting agency under the name "Matt Jaynes" and appeared in the hit British movie Shaun of the Dead alongside top actor Simon Pegg.

The judge concluded that were it not for the fact that she was 15 and not 16, no offence would have been committed, though Jaynes admitted that he was aware of her age.

Read more in This is Herefordshire...


What the article does not say is that the defendant was 19 when the girl was 15. The reporter is trying to paint the picture that this relationship happened recently.

Outrageous that this mans name and location has been published.

Outrageous that this man was let off so easily

If you read the whole article, you'll see that he wasn't abusive and that they in fact had a long term relationship. Why should his life be ruined because of something she consented to many years ago?

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