Teenage drug dealer sentenced to 18 months

Conviction of Victoria Avenue crack cocaine and heroin dealer.

Defence counsel Mr Green told the court that the teenager, who has no previous convictions, had developed a drug addiction in 2006 after a death in his family and had run up debts of hundreds of pounds.

Detective Constable James Northway, of Kingston Police, said: "This outcome should serve as a warning to other criminals that the police and particularly the community will not tolerate drugs in the our borough."

Read more in the Wimbledon Guardian...


What tommy rot.
I was working for a living at 16,living away from home in London at 17 and had a mind of my own.

The hard way out is to work(there is ALWAYS a job) and get on with life,resist the blandishments offered by the scum,be your own woman or man.Do not blame any circumstance for your predicament,show some moral fibre whatever your race and you WILL be a success.

This lad is doomed unless someone tells him to get a grip,sadly this is unlikely to happen as most social service outreach workers etc are conditioned to find excuses within society for all crimes and to blame society for instead of the individual concerned.

His best hope would be mentoring with Camilla Batmangelidhja and Kids Company who seem alone in getting to grips with these people.

Shame, I bet the other mothers of the kids who bought heroin off him feel the police should let him off because he must be so upset over the death of his relative.
Babies/kids are not taught disipline and bounderies because mothers would prefer to be liked by their kids.. this is the result.. a pulling on the heart strings after he has destroyed other people's lives. Surbiton is infected with drug addicts and dealers - you only have to look at what sits outside the YMCA to see what is going on. A friend came to visit me and took the path beside the bird sanctury. He was stopped and offered crack. They seem to like the quiet, peaceful, unsuspecting surberbia which we pay so much to live in, to sell and take their drugs. Its time we clamp down on this utter nonsense! With that sort of result more and more are going to take a chance. Is it because the prisons are too full that the police are letting people off scot free?

Awful to hear about this. It is very embarrasing when you invite someone to the area, and they encounter one of the criminal underclass that Surbiton seems to attract these days because of the YMCA and lax housing policy on the part of Kingston Council.

I must admit I think twice before inviting certain friends or relatives here now as I don't want them to feel unsafe. How can this have happened? Surbiton used to be a nice quiet, suburban area and now it is turning into Clapham.

In reality, Surbiton is still better in this regard than most of the rest of London, and a number of the provincial towns surrounding it. There seems to be no measures in place to try to stop the downward spiral, though.

As someone who knows the individual in question I find it amazing how a number of people can pass judgement. What do you expect from a young man who grows up in a society that only praises people of his race if they are doing something illegal or performing on the television. You're right in the sense that it is the responsibilty of the parents to educate our children and teach them that there are other ways to be successful, however we as a society also have to come together and demonstrate a change in the ignorance that we live in. We need to teach children of all races that they can grow and develop in many ways and drugs and crime isnt one of them. We need to give them real dreams to aspire to instead of promoting a world that puts them down because of where they are from or the colour of their skin.

I don't know about anybody else, but I had no idea about the colour of his skin, the only thing I was able to infer from this report was that he approaches people in dark streets and offers them drugs -- whatever the colour of his skin is, thats irrelevant and certainly not an excuse. In the end, I can honestly say I don't care if he's black, white, pink or green -- if he commits a crime, he's a criminal.

the above quote "Life throws bricks at all of us and you make a choice!" by leslie earlier is a perfect thing. everybody here has suffered bad things in their lives, I guarantee it -- and not being mean, but death is certainly not uncommon nor unheard of.

I do feel for him though, and if his life has been reduced to having to sell drugs to make ends meet, maybe he should consider getting support from a place like the YMCA or social services. In this country, nobody can starve as long as they're not an idiot, but if they start being a criminal it becomes harder and harder for people to sympathise and that's what this young man needs.

What an amazing viewpoint. I agree that society and the legal system is to blame, though. There is no real deterrent to using and dealing drugs anymore, to the point where this individual gets a very light custodial sentence for dealing in one of the most damaging substances of them all.

Stronger sentencing may at least make some people think twice before doing it.

Also, being from an ethnic minority is no excuse for doing something like this, and I cannot believe how anyone would think it could be. In any case, the average drug user in Surbiton seems to be white, 25-40 and live in the YMCA.

His excuse for being a drugs dealer was because of a death in the family.

Well, if that's the criteria I should be President of Colombia!!

You are want you want to be. Life throws bricks at all of us and you make a choice!

He chose the path of drugs and so he should not receive lenient punishment. Afterall how many people has he 'infected' with his "grief"? How much "grief" has he inflicted on others, and isn't being a drugs dealer a strange way of remembering his dead relative?

Another slap on the wrist job,how long will he actually serve?
Lets hope its long enough for him to come through the "cold turkey" phase or will he be allowed some drugs in prison to satisfy his human rights?

Nothing short of a really hard shock with plenty of humiliation is whats required.

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