10 years for Surbiton brothel robber

But it's long enough, according to a sex worker who was robbed by him and two accomplices with baseball bats.

The 54 year-old, who wished to remain anonymous, said she and 15 other women made statements to police after Daniel Fuller masterminded a campaign of violent robberies across South-West London.

He was given 10 years for the multiple robberies, whereby he and other men would trick their way into brothels posing as clients and then rob the women inside of earnings, threatening them with hammers and baseball bats.

Read more in The Evening Standard and Surrey Comet...


Its good to know that the Queen of the suburbs still has its brothels,they are after all part of its heritage after establishing themselves shortly before the railway was finished.

I am surprised however that the misssionary "outreach workers" who so love to reclaim the fallen could not have prevented the robberies in the first
place as they are more numerous than the local police force.

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