Antique treasure discovered in charity shop

Faberge Egg

Tsar of Russia's bedroom suite on sale for £30.

A set of antique furniture crafted by a cabinet maker who helped make a similar set for the last Tsar of Russia in 1916 has been discovered in a charity shop in Tolworth.

The set of bedroom furniture was made in 1930 by craftsman Tom Baker as a wedding present to his wife Grace and is based on the design of a set he made for Nicholas II 14 years earlier while an apprentice for cabinet makers South & Co.

After deciding to then sell the family home, his daughter Irene Davies donated the pieces to the Fircroft Trust charity shop in Ewell Road.

Following enquiries by the Surrey Comet, the charity shop, which had originally priced the furniture at just £30 per piece, has now withdrawn the furniture from sale in order to look into its history.


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