Looking for work in Surbiton...

18 years ago...

Hello, I am moving to Surbiton in January of 2006. I am an American citizen and am looking for work in Surbiton or the surrounding area. I will send my CV to anyone that is interested.

I have just graduated University with a major BA degree in English and a minor BA degree in Education. I have had Office Administration, Loss Prevention, Banking, School and Tutoring experience.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I would greatly appreciate any feedback. :D


Thanks for replying. I have still not found any work. It seems like no one wants to give a work permit. Errr...

I honestly can't believe you are peddling this poo to a citizen of another country who is about to move here. I assure you nednooda, Nazi pooheads like 'Surbiton Brasseye' are in a minority. You'll have no trouble getting a job, the place is full of offices .

[censored] you, SurbitonEye!


Neil xxx

There are no jobs! They’ve all been taken by illegal immigrants and asylum seekers.

Plus anything illegal or cash in hand, like crack dealing and prostitution has been cornered by Eastern Europeans that have arrived by the truckload!

Best stay where you are mate !


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