Go the whole Hog

Fancy walking for 7 miles along the Hogsmill River? If you want company, turn up on Sunday 12 October and you're not likely to be alone.

The Hogsmill Action Group are organising a walk along the river.

The walk will be starting from Charter Quay in Kingston at 10am striding on to the Hogsmill Tavern in Worcester Park in time for lunch. Then, if you can manage it, onwards to Bourne Hall in Ewell Village.

The local Ecology and Environmental Education Officer, Marie Claire Edwards will be on hand to point out all the interesting stuff, along Stewart Cocker, Epsom and Ewell's Countryside Community Development Manager, who'll be at the pub to take you on for the next leg.

For more information email Suzanne West at suzanne.west@rbk.kingston.gov.uk or call her on 020 8547 5347.

Read more on the Kingston Borourgh website...


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