Male nurse faces being struck off for making indecent images of children

A 45 year-old nurse from Surbiton in Surrey will come before the Nursing and Midwifery council to face charges of misconduct.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council's (NMC) Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) will hear evidence and if found guilty (of misconduct), registered adult nurse Paul Jackson Duncan will be struck off the register and stopped from working as a nurses.

The PCC will hear that on July 22 2004, Duncan came before Horseferrys Magistrates Court charged making a total of fifteen indecent images of children under the age of sixteen. Duncan was also charged with possession of a total of 71 indecent images of children. For these offenses Duncan was convicted of these offensives and sentenced to six months imprisonment to run concurrently and required to sign the sex offender's register for a total of seven years.

Once the PCC have made it's decision more details and a press release will be available.


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