Good news wanted

The news feed is turning into a list of local crime. There's good news out there, it's just not reported so much in the local papers.

The fact is our news articles are taken from stories published on the internet and most news sites prefer headline-grabbing crime stories, which gives visitors to this site a very unbalanced image of Surbiton.

In view of this we're asking users to make more use of our Submit News feature to post their own articles about local events and news happening in the neighbourhood.

While we're on the subject, Surbiton has a very high-ranking hockey team, and the Berrylands Lawn Tennis Championship is world-renowned. In light of this would like to enlist the assistance of a sports writer. If you're interested in donating a couple of hours, please use the Feedback link to get in contact with us.

Why not Submit some news now?...


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