- now even better

Over the weekend the web site underwent a complete overhaul and by the time you read this will be ready for you, it's users. Though outwardly there won't appear to be much difference, you'll immediately notice a snappier and responsive site.

Here's what we've done.

Improved performance:

The faster streamlined back end and simplified structure significantly increases the site speed for all users.

A complete redesign of the back end:

Our new system is now much more reliable and will make it far easier to add new features in the future.

Simpler interface:

The old confusing and complex systems of the site have been re-worked and are now easier to use and consistent across all pages.

Integrated comments:

You can now share your comments with other users on all types of site content using a simpler unified system.

New features:

You can now set up RSS feeds and email notification on nearly all pages, news, forum topics or comments.

Look out for a new look, further improvements and exiting new features coming soon.

If you have any problems or issues, let us know with using either the site feedback page.

We want to thank all those involved for their help in building and testing the new site and making the upgrade such a smooth, quick and painless upgrade process.

The team


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