29 May

Berrylands has been suffering the affects of the Hogsmill sewage works for decades. Local residents have campaigned to Thames Water and Kingston council do something about the foul odours.

Using the rating system above, you can help keep a log of the strength of the smell. Simply click on how bad you currently find it and the average user rating will be recorded for the day.

Kingston Environmental Health Services

You can give a more formal appraisal to Kingston Environmental Health Services here:

020 8547 4667 - 24-hour answer-phone service
020 8547 5536 or 5541 - Normal office hours
Environmental Health Services
Kingston upon Thames
Your rating: None Average: 1 (1 vote)

Give your daily rating here.

Berrylands has been suffering the affects of the Hogsmill sewage works for decades. Local residents have campaigned to Thames Water and Kingston council do something about the foul odours.

Using the rating system above, you can help keep a log of the strength of the smell. Simply click on how bad you currently find it and the average user rating will be recorded for the day.

Kingston Environmental Health Services

You can give a more formal appraisal to Kingston Environmental Health Services here:

020 8547 4667 - 24-hour answer-phone service
020 8547 5536 or 5541 - Normal office hours
Environmental Health Services
Kingston upon Thames


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