PC Rescue Squad

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PC Rescue Squad
17 Tolworth Broadway
020 8390 9179



First, let me say I've never written a negative review online before. But the customer service at PC Rescue in Tolworth was so appalling I felt I had to warn others. I had my Dell laptop looked at (which they did) and they gave me a quote. I wanted to see if it was worth repairing so I asked them to remind me of the make and model so I could look it up on the internet - I was hoping to offer it cheap to friend. The technican refused. I asked why, and he said he was "too busy". I said I needed the information to make my decision and he said I can "come up there and see for myself". No idea why he was unwilling to pull it off the shelf. Bizarre but appalling! I wouldn't trust this company with anything you hold of value.

Sorry to read about your experience, however having checked all our records, I could not find any record of you or of such an incident, if you had any issues, I am sure it would have been easier and more fruitful to ask to speak to the manager (myself) and I would have been happy to solve it on the spot to your satisfaction! as my staff are humans and errors could happen, and I am here to help and fix any issues on the spot and to my customers satisfaction.
any way if you do have any genuine complain, I am more than happy to solve it, these are my contact details (which are given to any jobs we take ) :
020 8390 9179
or just come to the shop and ask to see me
also we have independent checks done by ( http://www.checkaprofessional.com/ )

Kind Regards

That is just astonishingly bad service! Apart from anything else, he probably could have made some money if you had agreed to have it fixed. Either way, there is no excuse for that lack of service.

Your review combined with the newspaper story about their fine will enocourage me not to use them and I will advise friends to to either. Thanks.

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