Seething Wells Filter Beds

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Seething Wells Filter Beds
Portsmouth Road



Cable car be the answer,allows boats underneath,afford spectacular views,start at Surb station.


The developers could really get the people of Surbiton onside and bring great benefit to them by funding a pedestrian bridge across the river from the site. Thus opening up the under used Home Park to Surbiton (not to mention Hampton Court Gardens and Bushy Park beyond).

I agree. As this development stands, there is nothing in it for the community. If the developers were serious about "doing their bit" for the community then they should put in a bridge linking Surbiton to Home Park (massively under used) - such a large outside space which is out of most people's reach because of the lack of footbridges. This would be a massive benefit to the community and once this space is developed there is one less location where a bridge could go in.

Considering how much the developers would make from this development, it's the least they could do.

Too right. No new footbridge to Home Park = no support from the Surbiton community.

I agree.


At last!
Something contemporary to replace the wasteland that has been an eyesore for years! Never mind the Daily Mail readers who will, no doubt, burst their collective blood vessels in wild protestations. Good luck to you. As a council of perfection, perhaps slightly less brutal architecture, but that can always be softened by landscaping or maybe staggered profile. As for the Sailing Club Protest....C'mon boys; if you can tack safely around the existing cast iron hulks that presently block the fairway, I fail to see how narrowboats moored in their place can present a hazard to navigation.


Clever idea, but wrong location.


don't be fools, pay attention and look at the detail, great scheme all in all, technology works, video posted is purely a hypothetical example showing the technology, site plans looked great at exhibition.

Hydro properties 'Can-Float' design video:

Is this a late April Fools or something?
Why don't go the whole hog and cover the whole Thames with these floating concrete boxes.
Councillors - tell them to get stuffed. This is pure greed and vandalism.

What a bloody joke!!!!!! No chance hydro properties!!!!!!!!! On your bike!!!!

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