Surbiton Health Centre

Ranking has no association or affiliation with the Surbiton Health Centre. The following information may be out of date. Please check with them directly.

Surbiton Health Centre features four GP surgeries:

Central Surgery: 0208 399 6622
Langley Medical Practice: 0208 390 9996
Brunswick Surgery: 0208 390 5321 / Appts Line: 0208 390 7118
Berrylands Surgery: 0208 399 6362

The following services are also available:

Your Healthcare (Outpatients): 0208 399 7111
Kingston Wellbeing Service: 0208 274 3051
Paydens Pharmacy : 0208 390 9601

Public Transport

The Health Centre is a slow 10 minute walk away from Surbiton railway station and the 281, 406 and 418 bus stops are located just outside the Health Centre on Ewell Road. The K2 also stops on Ewell Road, 7 minute walk from the Health Centre.


Free patient parking is available onsite for the duration of your consultation – simply register your number plate on arrival.

Surbiton Health Centre
Ewell Road



I went to pick up my Granddaughter's medication from the Pharmacy. I do not use this Health Centre. The car park was chaotic and all I saw was that the car park was for those using Health Centre. I was there for 17 minutes. I did not see any signage saying I had to register my vehicle. The prescription should have been ready for collection but the Pharmacy seemed to only prepare prescriptions on demand and the whole procedure was convoluted. Doing a good turn to help my family out, has resulted in me receiving a parking charge notice.


I have been to this organization twice and on each occasion have been treated in an arrogant and provocative manner. I believe that at least part of their intent was to provoke an angry response from me so i could be accused of being aggressive. ie I think they were intent on starting an argument .

I do not have an email address.


Ridiculous length of time to hold on for the health service number,should you need to make an appointment or change one.I have been holding on for 25 minutes to cancel an appointment,and am very tempted to just not bother turning up-which of course is not the right thing to do for patients or the practice.They need to make that number much more accessible.


Beware of the PARKING at the Surbiton Health Centre. It is not clear when you park your car that you have to register your vehicle on arrival, otherwise you receive a £85 parking charge. Register it at reception and don't forget!


Contacting at weekends impossible , they say they are open but cannot reach by phone. All the phone numbers seem wrong or misleading. Are they open at weekends ? I'm new to this area very fed up. Never mind I'll just walk round in the rain.

I think this may be an NHS run outfit so it is unlikely to operate as a fully functioning real Health Centre,the council overturned a local covenant that said the origignal Surbiton Hospital was expressly for the provision of services to Surbitonians ,but all that has been ditched in the name of progress.


they dont answer the phone when its coming up to closing time... even when they're meant to be open.
they advertise as being open and they are not.
same goes for the pharmacy.
says its open and yet no one answering phone or any useful information anywhere.
they need to hire some staff who actually care a little about their job


What a dismal process to try and re-book an appointment that the NHS cancelled. The original booking department cannot make the appointment anymore. They gave me a number for Surbiton Health Centre (which took them some time to look up!). no surprise ... this was the wrong number. I now have this number to call 0208339 8041 but after as few minutes of holding it cuts off... this is now my 7th call trying to get in touch!


Why is there not a Dental Surgery in this complex?


I have just received a Parking fine of £51.50. As I was totally unaware that I had to register the car at reception I phoned and was assured that there are signs everywhere notifying you to register, I mist them, maybe it was raining so hard I was more interested in getting to shelter. so BE AWARE register your car at reception, I’m sure I’m not the first and defiantly won’t be the last to. Or there again maybe more dominant signage.
For the health centre itself I was most impressed, very well run.

I got caught out as well as I never knew about registering car. I never paid despite getting letters, and that, was the end of that.. don't pay.

I've been caught out exactly the same way, late night, rainy, taking my son for a check up after school. Was told to park outside reserved spots was okay by a passer by. Now I have a £50 fine that needs to be paid by 18/2/20.

Did you really ignore paying and got away with it?? If so, I might do the same.

Thanks for the heads up


Please give directions to Surbiton Health Centre in terms of nearest station, relevant buses from Kingston etc. This is standard practice on other health center websites and is vitally important for older patients. Thank you.

Noted and added. However, has no affiliation with the Surbiton Health Centre.

As far as we can tell this is their current web site:


It would be really helpful to give directions to the health centre on this site if possible, and also on letters sent out to patients. There is another Ewell road in Surbiton and I almost missed my appointment because I went to the wrong one. not everyone is familiar with the health centre.

With regards to the address and finding the health center if your able to leave a comment surely you are able to use Google maps....


The contact number which you share in this blog is not working...can you please update me with the new number.

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