Burger Box Surbiton is offering 1/4 Cheeseburger for only £0.99

16 years ago...

Hi, just though id let everyone know that Burger Box in Surbiton, the old Marios, is offering all its Facebook members a 1/4 cheeseburger for only £0.99 on Sunday the 4th of January.
To join the group click on the link provided.
Happy new year.


Burger box surbiton has been awarded 5 stars in food hygiene by Kingston borough council.

1200 members of Facebook.

What a bargain, i go past there everyday by bus and the place is always packed.

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Probably how he got 400 Facebook followers. This schizo courier blokes been busy talking to himself.

These burgers are awful.

What a great idea, this guy nearly has 400 members in his facebook group with great comments about his food. A burger van with a facebook group, how funny.

Had a burger on Sunday and it was amazing. everybody should go there.

What even worse than Maccie dees?

**Warning** Please be careful. The quality of the food has been known to be below acceptable!

Best chicken burger in town by a mile.

The burger box is under new managment now and i found the food to be very good. The man who runs its is very friendly and give great customer service

I think that anyone who is prepared to buy food from a mobile van that only sets up at night is probably not too worried abut the quality of the food.

What always amazes me is that he seems to get a small amount of custom in the early evening (i.e. before the majority of people have got wasted!). Surely, people would be better off going to McDonalds than here.

The best thing about buying from the burger bar in front of Surbiton station is that the guy cooks the food right in front of you. You see what you cook, if you go anywhere else, the food might be coming off the floor, you wouldnt know any better, plus this guys food is great, he sell peri, peri chicken, a great cup of coffee and he is really firendly. No wonder why is so busy!!

I believe that any one that has written a bad comment about burger box surbiton has never been there in the first place. If they had they would see that this burger bar is like no other.

For starters this guy only sells branded stuff like helmans mayo, heins ketchup, nescafe, tetley, branston sauces and McCains chips. ( i could go on)
He also has a professional menu board with a screen displaying promotions. He also accepts credit cards not to mention the fact that i go there almost every week at around 20:00, and he seems to have a steady flow of customers.

This guy has a facebook group with nearly 400 members. That alone speaks for itself.
I encourage anybody in the area to pay burger box a visit to see personally what i am talking about.

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